

Semester - I 
Fundamentals of Computers and Photoshop 
Common for Bsc(CS) & Bcom (CS,VOC) 

1)What are the Characteristics of a Computer? (Answer)
2)Block diagram of digital computer ? (Answer)
3) Limitations of the computer? (Answer)
4) What are the Uses of Computer ? Explain. (Answer)
5)What are the Various Types Of Computers (Answer)
6. Explain about computer generation? (Answer)
7. What is an octal number system? Explain the procedure to convert an octal number into its binary. (Answer)
8. How characters, integers and fractions are represented inn computer. (Answer)
9. How to convert decimal number into binary. (View Answer)
Unit –II
10. Explain about different input devices. (Vie Answer) 
11. Explain about different output devices. (View Answer
12. Explain about keyboard and mouse.  (View Answer)
13. Explain different types of printers.  (ViewAnswer)
14. explain about OMR and OCR  (View Answer)
15. Explain about plotters.  (View Answer)
16. Explain about Hard disk.   (View Answer)
17. What is a Floppy Disk? Explain.  (View Answer)
18. Write about Primary memory.  (View Answer)
19. What is a secondary memory? Explain.  (View Answer)
20. What is a desktop? Explain desktop icons.  (View Answer)
21. Explain about start menu. (View Answer)
22. What is software? Explain about its types.  (View Answer)
23. Explain about start menu. (View Answer)
24. What is control panel?  (View Answer)
25. Explain how to create, and save and close a document in Photoshop.  (View Answer)
26. What is a Photoshop? Explain Photoshop components.  (View Answer)
27. Explain about tool box in Photoshop.  (View Answer)
28. Explain about new document dialog box? (View Answer)
29. Different types of selections in Photoshop? Or explain about marquee tool?  (View Answer)
30. Explain a bout lasso tool in Photoshop? (View Answer)
31. What is magic wand tool? Explain.  (View Answer)
32. Color modes in Photoshop.  (View Answer)
33. How to zoom an image.  (View Answer)
34. Explain about panning an image. (View Answer)
35. How to crop an image. (View Answer)
36. Explain about pen tool.  (View Answer)
37. What is patch tool? Explain.  (View Answer)
 Unit – V
38. What is a layer? Explain.  (View Answer)
39. Explain about layer window. (View Answer)
40. How to add, delete, copy, and rename layers. (View Answer)
41. Explain about Filter option in Photoshop.  (View Answer)


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